Questions about the Virgin Mary

Why is the colour blue associated with the Virgin Mary?

Blue is used in terms of the Virgin Mary's appearance by symbolizing her pureness, to symbolize the skies and as a way to label her an empress. Blue was once the colour of the Byzantine Empire. Mary is also depicted wearing red which signifies the three traits of motherhood (love, passion and devotion) which are amplified by Mary's presence at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


Why is the EU Symbol around Mary's head in some depictions of her?

Before being associated with the EU, the circle of stars was said to have made a crown on the head of one of the women of the Apocalypse found in the Jehovah Witness' favourite book the Book of Revelation. The women is supposedly the Virgin Mary is explains why she has such starry crown.


What does the 8th December have to do with the Virgin Mary?

The date when Christmas shopping would start and Christmas lights would traditionally be turned on is the Immaculate Conception, when Mary was conceived free of sin. Mary's nativity is celebrated on 8th September.


Why is the Virgin Mary called Virgin Mary?

A virgin is a person who hasn't had intimate love before. In terms of Mary, she conceived Jesus through God in lieu of her husband Joseph. Others argue it has to do with distinguishing her from other Marys in the Bible (like Mary Magdalene) or that the word virgin substitutes the Hebrew word Almah (young woman of child bearing age).


What happened to the Virgin Mary?

Mary lived a long life after her son ascended into Heaven. As her remains have never been found on earth, it has been agreed on that she rose to heaven after her death and left her burial garments behind as her immaculate body was free of decomposition (when the body of a dead person breaks down until there are just bones left) and could not suffer the corruption of the tomb. This is commemorated on 15 August and there are several churches named after the Assumption.


Why is the name Madonna associated with Mary?

Madonna is an Italian name which means My lady and is used to described the relationship Mary had with her son Jesus. Madonna was initially used in terms of Italian art and has been used since the Middle Ages.


What is the connection between the month of May and Mary?

In May, Catholics would build May alters and honour Mary through them. Perhaps you might have attended a Catholic school that got you to bring in flowers for the altar and you're now wondering why does the Church worship Mary in May. This dedication formed from dedicating her to Gods of Ancient religions to centring May from the 1st of the month with the expelling of winter and the start of new growth. It was in the Middle Ages when Mary's 30 day devotion came into being and was actually held from 15 August to 14 September and while it is still observed like that in some areas, it was eventually intertwined with May with similar traditions and the custom became widespread in the 19th century.


Why is the Virgin Mary the Queen of Heaven?

The Virgin Mary is known as the Queen of Heaven because of an idea from the 12 Century that depicts Mary as the Throne of Solomon as a young Jesus Christ sits on her lap in a similar image to that of the Madonna and Child. Jesus is known as the King of Israel and the Heavenly King of the Universe and the Davidoc tradition of Israel has recognised Mary as the Queen Mother (mother of a reigning monarch) of Israel.


What does the 8th December have to do with Mary?

8th December, the once traditional day to turn on Christmas lights is synonymous with the Virgin Mary because it commemorates her sinless conception. Mary's nativity is celebrated on 8th September, a whole nine months later and yes, 8th September is also the death anniversary of Queen Elizabeth 2nd of the United Kingdom.

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