How Charles De Gaulle won Quebec's heart but lost Canada's

In the last few years of his life, French military hero and French president Charles de Gaulle visited Quebec in Canada. Quebec is one of the 13 provinces that make up Canada and is known for vast population speaking French. My Heart will go on singer Celine Dion is from Quebec. CDG visited Quebec in July 1967 with his trip beginning on 23 July with great fanfare by Canadians whose father's helped liberate France from Nazi forces in 1944 alongside America and Britain. The next day of the trip over this with a very different kind of reception. After being paraded along a 280km long route along the St Lawrence River to Montreal Town Hall, Charles stepped onto the building's balcony, lifted his arms u pro the sky and gave a speech that would shake Canada. How did this speech shake a nation? Well, it went like this:
"I am going to tell you a secret that you will not repeat. This evening and along the journey I felt like I was living in an atmosphere similar to the Liberation"
This was how Charlie started his speech and it seemed diplomatic enough with the praising of Canada's French colonial roots but it was how that speech ended that sent shock waves:
"Vive Montréal ! Vive le Québec !" ("Long live Montreal, Long live Quebec!") "Vive le Québec libre ! Vive, vive, vive le Canada français ! Et vive la France !" ("Long live free Quebec! Long live, long live, long live French Canada! And long live France!")
That speech showed Charles De Gaulle's support for an independent sovereign Quebec which was backed up by Quebecers chanting in response "Vive le Québec libre !" ("Long live the free Quebec !")

With that speech came Fury from Canadians. A lot of Canadians do not want an independent Quebec as Quebec has a huge role in Canada economically and culturally. Charlie left Canada for France a few days later and he never returned to the country. He only lived for 3 more years after this event and even France was upset with their president. While he was never officially banned from visiting Canada again there was much displeasure. To top it all off, Canada's prime minister at the time Pierre Trudeau (the father of current (as of 15 March 2023) prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau) asked Charlie how it he feel if he (Trudeau or someone one else who is prime minister of Canada) went over to friends and because Britney for Bretons as that also has independence desires like Quebec. An unimpressed Charles De Gaulle's response? "Nous n'avons aucune concession, ni même aucune amabilité, à faire à M. Trudeau, qui est l'adversaire de la chose française au Canada." ("We have not one concession, nor even any courtesy, to extend to Mr. Trudeau, who is the adversary of the 'French fact' in Canada.") Oddly enough, when Charlie visited Brittany in the North West of France, his speech showed that he was not supportive of their independence dreams.

How Charles De Gaulle won Quebecs heart but lost Canadas
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